Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Social Anxiety Or Depression

Social anxiety or depression is something that can be very frustrating and hard to overcome, it usually means that someone finds it very difficult to socialise with other people, be in large groups of people, be confident enough to meet new people and things like that.
Often times when a person suffers from social anxiety or depression they will try to avoid social events as much as they can and can become very lonely because of it, this can make the problem even worse.
When someone who suffers from social anxiety is in a situation in which they are not comfortable, often they will simply not talk or try to get out of the situation quickly. Sometimes the cause of this is simply down to confidence and self-esteem issues, maybe you don't feel as though you are good enough to be around certain people or that you are "different" from them.
Some of the physical symptoms of social anxiety in social situations are things like sweating a lot, blushing, shaking, feeling sick, confusion and other things. This can occur in many different situations such as simply speaking to your work boss, meeting new people at a bar, doing group or public speaking.
There are three types of social anxiety that a person can suffer from, these are...
Performance anxiety - This occurs in situations in which the person has to perform for others, things such as public speaking, performing on stage, this can lead to people avoiding such situations.
Generalized anxiety - This is probably the most common, it can affect a person in many situations such as simply talking to new people, going to a social event, starting a new job.
Avoidant personality disorder - This is considered by many to be the most severe form of social anxiety, usually the person will try to avoid all situations in which anxiety can occur, this makes it extremely hard to make friends and meet a partner.
There are treatments for these anxieties and you should get in touch with your doctor if you feel you are suffering from them, this is a step in the right direction.

By David G.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Noni Facts and History

HISTORY – Noni has been used for over 2000 years by the French Polynesians.

TRADITIONAL USES OF NONI – High blood pressure, tumors, diabetes, arthritis, digestive disorders, wounds, respiratory, afflictions, eye problems, fevers, etc….

SCIENTIFIC STUDIES – Noni has been the topic of many scientific studies around the world, i.e., Australia, Japan, France, Hawaii, Netherlands, etc..


ANTIBACTERIAL AGENTS – Aid in the control of fevers, colds and infections.

SCOPOLETIN – Lowers blood pressure and may help with pains.

DAMNACANTHAL – A proven inhibitor of RAS (pre-cancer) cells.

PROXERONINE – A precursor to a protein building alkaloid which has wide spread health implications.

XERONINE – Is an alkaloid found in the body. Xeronine when released into the body travels to different cell tissues containing proteins. Once the xeronine is absorbed by the different cells they “activate the inactive proteins or regulate the rigidity and shape of already active proteins”.

What does this all mean?

Xeronine is essential for proper cell function. When cells are not functioning properly, the system breaks down and we become more susceptible to illness and disease. The major components of xeronine are proxeronase, serotonin, and proxeronine. Both proxeronase and serotonin are readily available in the body, however proxeronine usually is not made fast enough especially in times of stress and sickness etc. Tahitian Noni Juice however, contains a large amount of proxeronine. So, when taken into the body it combines with proxeronase and serotonin to make xeronine, which in turn is responsible for proper cell function and is directly related to maintaining and staying in good health. Xeronine also expands the cell walls to absorb more nutrients.

The Super Eagles of Nigeria's performance in Ghana 2008 African Cup of Nations

I still believe in the super eagles of Nigeria, I know that the end has not come for Nigeria in this nations cup. Aside from Ivory Coast, there is no other country that can boast of the number of stars being paraded by Nigeria. Atimes things just dont work out, it's normal. Sometime you do well when you dont even deserve to earn the kind of result people applaud you for. And at other times, when you feel you've done all that is necessary to guarantee victory and overall success, then the unexpected happens; you don't just appear to put any foot right. So friends and compatriots, lets support our Super Eagles. No matter what happens, they are still our own. Who knows if the prayers for an early exit from the competition by their various clubs in Europe is what is being answered. Or what do you think?

Traditional Uses of the Noni Plant


The juice of the leaves can internally help gout, gingivitis, and sties. Teas used to treat fever and blood sugar disorders. Chewing leaves used to help sooth sore throats. Leaf extracts were used to help prevent blood clots.Pounded leaves administered to skin for burns, boils and wounds. Heated leaves treated joints and ringworms. Leaf poultices were used to treat skin abscesses and boils. Fresh, crushed leaves were rubbed on to chest to help relieve chest colds.


The root was used traditionally to reduce fever and congestion internally. The root compounds have a natural sedative quality. Is known to be used to lower blood pressure. When applied topically, it is used to treat joint swelling and gout.
Bark: Boiled bark given as drink for stomach problems, wounds and malaria. Dried bark mixed with water was used to treat diarrhea in infants.
Flowers: Flower extracts were administered for eye complaints.


Fruit given internally for gum and throat problems, blood poisoning, abnormal menstrual bleeding, dysentery, arthritis, tuberculosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatism, heart trouble, ulcers, infections, and as a general tonic. Mashed unripe fruit and salt were applied to swollen areas on the body, deep wounds, boils, broken bones and inflamed joints. Ripe fruit was used to treat facial acne, sores and staph infection. Some applied juice to hair to get rid of hair lice.

Noni Around the World:


Aborigines ate noni fruit as a regular part of their diet.


Locals use the unripened fruit in their curries, and ate the uncooked ripe fruit with salt. They also roasted the seeds of the fruit.


Noni fruit is eaten as a food source either raw or cooked.


Locals used fermented noni fruit to make jam.


Medical practitioners used noni tonics to treat diabetes, stings and burns.


The noni fruit is eaten green in curries. Indians used noni to treat fever and gout.


Noni leaves provided vegetable dish, and their resiliency made them desirable for cooking.


Noni was used to treat fever, malaria, dysentery and jaundice.


Traditionally, noni was used for bowel disorders - especially intestinal parasites, constipation and infant diarrhea, infections, indigestion, skin inflammation, mouth sores, fever, contusions and sprains.


Noni was known for its remarkable ability to purge the intestinal tract and promote colon health. The noni fruit, leaves and bark were also used in the treatment of diabetes, heart troubles and high blood pressure.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tahitian Noni Juice – Scientific Facts

Herbal and natural products have been used by every culture throughout the world for centuries. In recent years, the scientific community has begun to show more interest in these products, as their benefits have become more widely known.

Even medical schools have, in many cases, begun teaching medical students about the importance of natural products, as well as the wonders of natural healing.
One natural remedy having impressive medicinal credentials is known as Morinda Citrifolia, or Noni.

Much of the information available on noni is based upon the research of a man considered by most to be the leading authority on noni, a biochemist by the name of Dr. Ralph Heinicke. Dr. Heinicke discovered that the noni fruit contains an alkaloid precursor to an essential compound called xeronine. Dr. Heinicke named the precursor proxeronine .
In Dr. Heinicke’s view, without xeronine, life would cease. Further, Dr. Heinicke believes that noni fruit provides an effective and safe method for increasing the level of xeronine within the body; promoting healthy cells.

Dr. Heinicke advocates the use of Tahitian noni in juice form. He also believes that the compounds unique to noni fruit juice work to actually repair damaged cells. The proxeronine content of noni boosts the body’s production of xeronine, which appears to be able to regulate the shape and intergrity of certain proteins.

Dr. Heinicke has also noted that he suspects that we need sleep because the body needs time to make sufficient quantities of proxeronine. And, that if we could constantly flood our bodies with a proxeronine, we would not need to sleep. Dr. Heinicke believes that some of the health challenges which dinking Tahitain Noni Juice might favourably affect are: high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gastric ulcers, sprains, injuries, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, atherosclerosis, blood vessel problems, drug addition, relief of pain, and many others.

Noni first caught the eyes of researchers worldwide in the early part of this century. And, one by one, scientific studies have documented the amazing qualities of the noni fruit.

Anti-Cancer Activity of Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) on Intraperi-toneally Inplanted Lewis Lung Carcinoma in Syngeneic Mice: A. Hirazumi, E. Furrasawa, S.C. Chou, and Y. Hokama. Proc: West Phamacol. Soc. 37: 145-146 (1994)
This very significant study was conducted by leading team of researchers from the University of Hawaii, led by Annie Hirazumi.
Theis scientific study was done on a type of mice known to be very receptive to injected Lewis Lung Carcinoma (Cancer) cells. The mice were injected with active Lewis Lung Carcinoma cells.
Left untreated, the mice died from tumor growth withing 9 -12 days after receiving the injection. A portion of the mice used in the study were treated with Tahitian noni juice, in five separate daily treatments.

The noni juice was shown to significantly increase the life span, from between 105 and 123 percent, of the treated mice, with 9 of 22 mice surviving more than fifty days. This experiment was repeated on a different lot of mice, with similar results.